5 Easy No-Recipe Snacks For Sweet Cravings

Maranda Carvell RHN

Registered Nutritionist and Women's Hormone Expert

5 Easy Weight Loss Friendly Snacks to Reduce Sweet Cravings (no recipe ideas)

Do you get cravings for sweet and sugary foods? Here's why -

Sugar is the quickest form of energy, and sweet cravings are often a message from the body that it needs more energy - more food, and more vitamins and minerals.

This is very common when you are not eating enough (AKA dieting), have been on a weight loss plan for a long time, and/or don't have enough nutrients in your diet.

One of the best things you can do to reduce cravings is to eat more at meal time. This is more effective in the long run than trying to eat small portions and then white knuckling it through cravings when the inevitably happen.

When you DO need a snack, here are 5 of my fave "Nutritionist Approved" sweet snacks to give you real energy and not just a sugar high.

Best of all, they're grab-and-go options that don't require baking complicated recipes or weird health store ingredients.

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1 - Apples slices and natural almond, cashew, or peanut butter

2 - Dark chocolate, raw nuts and seeds, large flake unsweetend coconut (small handful total)

3 - Full fat unsweetened greek yogurt and berries (about half a cup each)

4 - Larabars

5 - Mid Day Squares

Snacking doesn't have to be complicated. Pick one or two options to have on hand for the week ahead.

Maranda Carvell Nutritionist and Women's Weight Loss

Hi, I’m Maranda!

I’m Maranda Carvell RHN, and I’m a Registered Nutritionist, Women's Hormone Expert who specializes in hormonally based weight loss.

I teach women over 3o who want to finally lose the stubborn extra weight, and get off the chronic diet roller coaster so they can live life in a body they love on their own terms without restrictive food rules.

Whether you are searching for a clinical perspective on weight loss to reach your weight loss goal, or you are looking for advice on how to navigate balancing hormones in your 30s and 40s, I offer a variety of services and programs that are designed to transform your health inside and out.